Khamang Kakdi

May 22, 2024mayurisjikoni
Blog post

Recipe: Khamang Kakdi

Khamang Kakdi is an easy, delicious, cooling and refreshing  Maharashtrian style cucumber salad or side dish. It is generally served as part of a thali meal. Also known as Kakdi Koshimbir, just a few ingredients put together results in a healthy and tasty side dish. Personally, I enjoy a whole bowlful of it on its own as a snack or light lunch. Khamang in Marathi means delicious, tasty and well balanced. Which undoubtedly this salad recipe is. Kakdi is cucumber.


I’m not the kind of person who enjoys munching on cucumbers on their own. As part of a salad, smoothie or a drink it is fine. However, my whole outlook to cucumber changed some years ago. As part of the prasadam from the ISKCON Temple, Juhu, khamang kakdi was served as a side dish. With peanuts, coconut and the flavour of curry leaves, got me hooked onto the salad. Now whenever I get English or Persian cucumber, the first thing that comes to mind is Khamang Kakdi.

Sharing This Recipe With 2024 Alphabet Challenge Group

I think the members of this group are having fun with this challenge. I eagerly wait to check out what each of them have prepared. It is a bi-weekly event and we have reached Letter K. The challenge is to use an ingredient beginning with that letter or a dish name. This time I have opted to go with the dish name – Khamang Kakdi.


Some K Recipes On My Blog

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A cool minty refreshing drink to beat the summer heat.
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Recipes With Letter K By Members Of  The Group

Jolene’s Recipe Journal: Key Lime Pie Cocktail
A Day in the Life on the Farm: Kwasnica (Polish Sauerkraut and Pork Soup)
Mayuri’s Jikoni: Khamang Kakdi
Sneha’s Recipe: Kala Chana Batata Chat
Culinary Cam: Purple Napa Kimchi
Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice Kalamata, Mozzarella, & Tomato Couscous Salad
Blogghetti: Easy Key Lime Mousse Tarts

Karen’s Kitchen Stories: Kung Pao Chicken

Food Lust People Love: Korean Barbecue Style Meatballs

Ingredients Required For Khamang Kakdi


Make sure the cucumber is fresh and crunchy. I have used English Cucumber which does not require to be peeled. If you are using cucumbers with thick skin, you will need to peel it first. Dice the cucumber as you like, into big chunks or small cubes.


Fresh grated coconut is used for this recipe. As I don’t get fresh coconut, I have used frozen coconut. The salad does not taste the same with desiccated coconut. I usually get frozen grated coconut from an Indian Store.


Raw peanuts are roasted, shelled and then chopped or ground into a coarse powder. I take the easy way out by using unsalted roasted peanuts. Saves time. I chop the peanuts into small pieces. Whether you want to chop the peanuts or ground to a coarse powder, it is your choice.


Add according to your taste. Use any salt of your choice.

Green Chilli

Add according to your taste. Usually, the chillis are sliced and added to the salad. We prefer minced chillis so I go for the chilli paste which I always have in stock in my freezer.

Fresh Coriander

Chop fresh coriander. If the stems are tender, include them with the leaves. Just chop the stems finely.

Lemon Juice

Add according to your taste.


For this recipe I prefer to use white sugar so that it does not alter the colour of the salad. We just require little sugar to balance the flavours.

Oil |Ghee

Need a little for tempering. Can use peanut oil if you have any. Otherwise any oil of your choice. For a vegan version do not use ghee.

Mustard Seeds

Rai, sarson ka dana. Need some for the tempering or vaghar.

Curry Leaves

Use fresh, frozen or dried. Don’t skip them as the leaves add such a delightful flavour and aroma to the salad.


Hing. Add a little. If you want a gluten free version of the salad then omit asafoetida.






Khamang Kakdi is an easy, delicious, cooling and refreshing  Maharashtrian style cucumber salad or side dish. It is generally served as part of a thali meal. Also known as Kakdi Koshimbir, just a few ingredients put together results in a healthy and tasty side dish. Personally, I enjoy a whole bowlful of it on its own as a snack or light lunch. Khamang in Marathi means delicious, tasty and well balanced. Which undoubtedly this salad recipe is. Kakdi is cucumber.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Light Meal, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine Indian, Maharashtrian Cuisine
Servings 2



  • 250 g cucumber approx 2 cups diced
  • ¼ cup grated coconut fresh
  • ¼ cup roasted peanuts shelled
  • 1-2 green chillis
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp fresh coriander chopped
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  • 1 tbsp oil
  • ½ tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 sprig curry leaves
  • tsp asafoetida optional



  • If you don't have roasted peanuts then roast them in a pan over low heat till the skin begins to split and you get the aroma of the roasted peanuts.
  • Transfer the peanuts to a plate and allow them to cool.
  • If the skin of the cucumber is thick, peel it. Cut the cucumber into chunks or small cubes. Add to a mixing bowl.
  • Slice or mince the green chilli and add to the cucumber.
  • Chop the coriander and add to the salad.
  • Roughly chop the peanuts or process them into a course powder in a food processor. Add to the salad.
  • Add the grated coconut too.
  • Add salt, sugar and lemon juice. Mix the salad well.


  • Heat the oil in a small pan over low heat.
  • When it is hot add the mustard seeds. They will begin to pop.
  • Add the asafoetida and curry leaves.
  • Take the pan off the heat.
  • Pour the tempering over the khamang kakdi or salad.
  • Mix well and serve.
Keyword cucumber peanut salad, kakdi chi koshimbir, kakdi koshimbir, khamang kakdi, khamang kakdi recipe

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A Small Request:

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  • Jolene

    May 22, 2024 at 7:06 am

    Love the combination of cucumber with coconut and peanuts, never would have thought to put those together!

    1. mayurisjikoni

      May 31, 2024 at 10:00 am

      Thanks Jolene, give it a try, it tastes really good.

  • Wendy Klik

    May 23, 2024 at 12:25 am

    It sounds khamang. I have a similar cucumber salad that I enjoy so I know I will love this version.

    1. mayurisjikoni

      May 31, 2024 at 9:59 am

      That’s great Wendy and it is so easy to make.

  • Colleen – Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck

    May 23, 2024 at 9:23 pm

    I’m the opposite. I actually prefer cucumbers on their own, instead of in a salad. However, this is a recipe I would definitely love to play around with a bit. It would be great to take to a summer cookout!

    1. mayurisjikoni

      May 31, 2024 at 9:59 am

      Thanks Colleen with the Indian flavour to this salad am sure you’ll impress your friends and family. It is such a cooling and delicious salad.

  • Sneha Datar

    June 3, 2024 at 4:57 am

    This one salad that mostly prepared in a Maharashtrian house, love this salad!

    1. mayurisjikoni

      June 7, 2024 at 11:24 am

      Thanks Sneha.

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