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  • Vaghareli Rotli

    January 4, 2012mayurisjikoni

      Vaghareli Rotli Vaghareli Rotli is an easy, quick snack or light meal prepared from leftover rotli/roti, yogurt and spices. Remembering my Mum My mum was a very good cook where traditional Gujarati dishes were concerned. Actually, can’t remember her ever wanting to try out the new western dishes like pizza, tacos, burgers etc. Instead,…

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  • Eggless Mango Coconut Muffins

    January 3, 2012mayurisjikoni

      Eggless Mango Coconut Muffins Eggless Mango Coconut Muffins are so soft, superbly flavourful and undoubtedly the perfect summer time muffins. Have you ever tried baking cakes or muffins with fresh mango? You can use ripe mango puree, chopped mangoes or both. For this recipe I use both as you want a burst of mango…

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  • Beetroot Tomato Juice

    January 2, 2012mayurisjikoni

     updated Beetroot Tomato Juice : 27/06/2020 My Family and Fresh Juices Fresh juices are most welcome when the sun is beating down on you and sweating zaps you of  your energy. My family is a big consumer of fresh fruit juices. In fact my hubby and eldest son would rather have some juice instead of water.…

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  • Beetroot Orange Salad

    January 2, 2012mayurisjikoni

      Recipe: Beetroot Orange Salad Beetroot Orange Salad is not only pretty but an absolutely delicious, refreshing salad that can be put together in a jiffy. All you need is cooked beetroot or beet, nice juicy oranges, any salad leaves and a cheese of your choice. And you have a sweetish tangy salad ready in…

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  • A mission to accomplish

    January 1, 2012mayurisjikoni

      My name is Mayuri Patel. I was born and brought up in Kenya, East Africa. I live in the beautiful coastal town of Mombasa.I am happily married with 3 grown up kids or rather adults. I am a retired teacher. I try to keep my recipes as simple as possible. I have learnt how…

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